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Leefgeld Oekraïners/Прожитковий мінімум українців

Welcome to the page about living allowance. Please select the language in which you would like to read the information below. If your language is not listed, you can do the following: Go to the Dutch page, select (part of) the text you want to read. The option ‘Vertalen’ (Translate) will appear. Then click on the language in which you want to read the text.

This page on our website has automatically been translated from Dutch into your selected language. This was done by a computer system, without human intervention. As a result, the text may be different than if it had been written in this language.

Wilt u teruggebeld worden?
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Onderhoud Mijn WerkSaam/iParticipatie


Door onderhoud kunt u van donderdag 25 april 19.00 uur tot vrijdag 26 april 08.00 uur niet inloggen in Mijn WerkSaam/iParticipatie. Excuses voor het ongemak.